Installing on openSUSE/SLE
A brief description on how to install it on openSUSE or SUSE Linux Enterprise
Note that this installation description is for release 1.8.1!
- This simple install receipt requires that the machine has Internet (proxy) access to load packages from additional zypper repo. Otherwise you have to mirror that repo locally.
- You might want to use Dockerfile.opensuse-tumbleweed-rpm for automated container installation based on openSUSE Tumbleweed.
Additional repository:
export SUSE_RELEASE="$(lsb_release -d |cut -d ' ' -f2)" zypper add --no-recommends ca-certificates-mozilla zypper addrepo --refresh${SUSE_RELEASE}/home:stroeder:iam.repo
zypper install web2ldap
Start simple stand-alone web server by default listening on localhost, port 1760:
/usr/bin/web2ldap 1760